Wednesday, 24 October 2018

High Stile Ridge

Our second walk with a full compliment of children, we aimed to do the other walk planned from the house, along the High Stile ridge.  It meant going up the path to Red Pike again, but this time turning left.  The weather looked similar to other days - cloudy up on top, with a chance of rain all day.

Difficulty: 6
Walkers: Tim, Caroline, Isabelle (16), Grace (14), Evie (10), Poppy (8)
10:02, 0.0km 0h00 0m, Start (134)
12:41, 5.5km 2h38 764m, Red Pike (Buttermere) (755, Wainwright, Hewitt)
13:13, 6.8km 3h11 857m, High Stile (806, Wainwright)
13:25, 7.1km 3h22 864m, High Stile (Grey Crag-High Stile) (807, Hewitt)
14:06, 8.8km 4h03 917m, High Crag (744, Wainwright, Hewitt)
16:57, 16.0km 6h54 1089m, End (135)

We were able to straight to the working bridge this time, but other than trying to get both the Wainwright and Hewitt at High Stile with very little visibility the route was fairly obvious.

Up the familiar path through the trees.

View back to Buttermere, with our house the white one at the right hand edge of the picture.

Red Pike, second visit for this holiday. 

High Stile, the Wainwright.

High Stile, the Hewitt.  Double rations all round. 

The view descending from High Stile down, before the climb back up for High Crag. 

Poppy at High Crag, admiring the awesome view down to Buttermere. 

Finally coming down out of the clouds, sitting around quite a while as the family was descending all at very different speeds.

The view from Scarth Gap, looking at Haystacks straight ahead.

Now going down from Scarth Gap towards Gatesgarth Farm.

Isabelle and Grace, showing they are not too old to scamper ahead and find hiding places. Grace's technique for coming back to safety was to shuffle on her bottom, wavering from side to side trying to balance and not fall in, and painfully negotiating the branches and tree stumps back to safety.  Isabelle's technique for coming back was to walk quickly and calmly back.  Age clearly wins!

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