Tuesday, 23 July 2024

The easiest Munro on Skye

This was the best day of glorious weather all week, and our best chance to get up into the Cuillin hills.  Given the conditions the walk wasn't that much harder than any of the Lake District walks, but you can see this wasn't much of a fun place to be in bad weather, or if we'd tried to go any further along the ridge.

Difficulty: 5.6
Walkers: Tim, Caroline, Isabelle (22), Evie (16), Poppy (13), Piper (4 1/2)
9:55, 0.0km 0h00 0m, Start (43)
13:36, 7.6km 3h40 915m, Bruach na Frithe (958, Munro)
17:16, 15.6km 7h20 993m, End (25)

We parked in the layby on the main road from Dunvegan where we were staying.  I was slightly paranoid that there wouldn't be space, given the ideal walking weather, but there was plenty and we only saw a very small number of people on our walk.  

The view to the Cuillin ridge, not long after setting off.

A little over 2h into the walk, time for a lunch stop in Fionn Choire, before we starting hitting the scree climb to the top of the ridge.

Looking back to the north west.

Finally at the top of the ridge, Bealach nan lice.

And another 30min of walking up, we were finally at Bruach na Frithe.  It was still t-shirt weather, after reading all the dire stories I knew that were really quite luck to have such good weather.  This picture is looking north east.

Another view, looking south, following the ridge all the way to Sgùrr Alasdair in the distance.  You can see why people get seducted by the idea of walking from one end to the other.  

I was keen to take Piper up Sgurr na Fionn Choire, so we found the way up, after a scrambling up a big rock to find it was a dead end.  I'm not Piper forgave me for helping her up that one for a few days.

Looking at Bruach na Frithe from Sgurr na Fionn Choire.  I got back down to meet the others, and we had a great bit of fun getting down the scree slope.  Caroline and Evie were determined not to listen to any advice and ended up taking a route that 'looked easier' but still took a very long time.

Finally back to safer ground.  Piper sought out some cooling water - the rocks had not treated her paws too kindly, so she got a few well deserved easy days after this one!