Saturday, 30 November 2013

Smarties Surprise Birthday Cake

I made this cake for Evie's 6th birthday.  Who doesn't like smarties...

Start with the cake, 2 7-8inch cakes, using 3 & 4 egg Victoria sponge recipe, with different food colouring. Dangerous thing, trimming cakes when children are up. Wandering hands tend to congregate.

Slice in half

Bottom three layers, hollow out the middle. Funnily enough, all the bits of cake from the middle seem to have disappeared. 

Make up about 1kg of buttercream, sandwich the bottom three layers, and add about 200g of M&Ms.  Yes, despite the title I wasn't particular brand loyal...

Finish off the buttercream, cursing that you haven't made quite enough (as it traditional).

Then decorate, using up some of the other 3 bags of M&Ms. Caroline Hendry was very disparaging of my pattern. Or just not surprised in my attention to order.

The cake cut open for the world to see.  Given by the serving, I think the loose sweets got eaten first,