Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Coniston Old Man, still no view

Another route reconstructed from a record of the peaks we climbed and careful looking at the photos, we returned to the Old Man, three years after coming here on honeymoon, but with little more success at getting a view.

We took a different route up, following the road to the left first, rather than heading straight up to the workings.

Not looking too promising,

At Low Water, around the same cloud level as last time. 

Caroline going up to the top, I'd offered to help carrying her rucksack since I hadn't taken one for this walk. 

Me at the top.  I think the combination of green waterproof and pink rucksack look pretty dashing.

Some view!  We could even see down to Levers Water and the Lake!

The view going up to Swirl How.

Caroline, with Seathwaite Tarn in the background.

At the top of Swirl How, a little more view. 

Looking along the ridge towards Wetherlam.

Obviously enjoying the rocks on the way.

At Wetherlam.  Not looking impressed with the lack of view from here, as the cloud hadn't continued to lift.

We could see the Old Man on the left though, and Swirl How on the right.

But not much down towards Coniston and the lake. 

Levers Water on the way down.

Caroline, looking unimpressed with the view and her boots.

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